A quick catchup for the last year.

So this is probably where we started from..

IMG 5366

Ross threw a lot in the bin. Just some of the trimmings.

IMG 5209 1

And what we had which looked OK..well it was crap too.

 IMG 5413

But Ross soldiered on.

IMG 5212 1

And on..

IMG 5588

And on

IMG 5598

And it started to come together.

IMG 5726 1


IMG 5728 1

And eventually..

IMG 5882

And while this was happening, a milestone for my silver 4.2.

IMG 5292 1

Looking pretty on new wheels and tyres.

IMG 5931

 IMG 5933



Craig says I neeed to update more frequently.


I shall comply.

3.8 coupe boot floor off

3.8 coupe boot floor off


3.8 coupe boo newt floor on

Wiper motor wiring

IMG 5308 2

3.8 coupe body shell

Everything in front of the wheel arches is new.


3.8 coupe new floors and sills


And no prizes for guessing the fate of the boot floor and rear guards. Everything behind the wheel well goes too.


3.8 coupe original boot floor

More Articles...

  1. Another tardy update
  2. Britney update
  3. Britney moment..
  4. Goodbye 1E34749!
  5. Once, and never again
  6. 5 year anniversary
  7. Current state of play
  8. Cam timing
  9. An update on various projects
  10. Shipwright's disease again
  11. Chroming
  12. Headlights and chrome.
  13. All over again.
  14. Painting progress
  15. MGA engine
  16. JT5 Box
  17. Slowly getting there
  18. MGA carbs
  19. Road registered
  20. Ronstoration
  21. MGA??!!
  22. Why having a car professionally restored costs so much.
  23. No spark
  24. Buy cheap parts and save!
  25. Exhaust studs
  26. Lightweight engine
  27. Torsion bars
  28. Are URO branded C15474 senders any good?
  29. Test pilot
  30. Tools
  31. Cool old paperwork
  32. I'm still here!
  33. Two heads are better than...
  34. Introducing...my new car!
  35. Notes on brake bleeding
  36. And then there were 3
  37. Finished...meh.
  38. Red is the colour.
  39. How to take your bonnet off by yourself.
  40. Bonnet
  41. Off to the trim shop
  42. Trim time
  43. Easter Sunday drive
  44. C18737
  45. A Pillar rubbers
  46. 3.8 engine first start
  47. Front suspension
  48. Relay
  49. Spark plug leads
  50. January's efforts
  51. Vale Martin Hawes
  52. Engine and JT5 gearbox installation
  53. Engine delivery
  54. Shimming the tappets
  55. Engine building 3: timing
  56. Engine building 2: pistons
  57. Engine building 1
  58. Cleaning the block
  59. Got the IRS in.
  60. Picture update
  61. Wiper rack
  62. First step
  63. Skeleton in the closet
  64. Exciting
  65. Motif Bar for the coupe
  66. Electrical fettling
  67. Roadster body nearly ready
  68. Kelsey Hayes finished
  69. New brakes for the 4.2
  70. More little bits and pieces.
  71. More paint photos
  72. Engine machining
  73. Fettling
  74. Windscreen wipers
  75. Kelsey Hayes
  76. First lot of top coat
  77. Sunday run to Goolwa
  78. Coopercraft
  79. Coupe update
  80. Apologies and an update
  81. Bending the pedals
  82. Starting to come together
  83. Ross has been busy
  84. There's always one little tiny problem...
  85. Here we go again...
  86. Jigsaw
  87. Nearly ready to reassemble IRS
  88. At the body shop
  89. E Type soup
  90. EDIS installed
  91. Pinging begone!
  92. First steps
  93. Picked clean
  94. Timing
  95. Green is the new Red
  96. Off to the Beauty Parlour
  97. Warming up
  98. Running in
  99. 1000 word equivalent
  100. Newer is not necessarily better
  101. Back together...but..
  102. and the engine...just starts!
  103. Please be seated
  104. Smile
  105. Pop the carbs back on, Sir?
  106. and some more..
  107. The home stretch.
  108. Happy birthday!
  109. Seat re-upholstery.
  110. Engine's in!
  111. Engine nearly finished
  112. Steering rack back on..again...
  113. Back together we go...again...
  114. Head rebuild
  115. Paint's on!
  116. Back from the machine shop
  117. Hibernation and reflections on plating.
  118. Happy Anniversary!
  119. More plating
  120. and they said you couldn't spray at 11*C
  121. More prep
  122. Oh dear...
  123. Paint it black
  124. Spring cleaning
  125. A worsening of Shipwright's Disease
  126. Jockeying for position
  127. I like plating
  128. The Unicorn
  129. Washing dishes
  130. More bits off
  131. Post mortem findings 2
  132. Post mortem findings
  133. Engine teardown time
  134. Engine's out
  135. ..until somebody loses an eye.
  136. A Lucas moment
  137. Off to the trim shop
  138. A pleasant surprise
  139. Fine Tuning
  140. On with the SUs!
  141. "All the leaves are brown.."
  142. Phoenix reborn
  143. Mea culpa
  144. Boooooring
  145. Please, Sir...
  146. Finally....
  147. Whole again
  148. Don't say the "F" word
  149. We have petrol
  150. Clock repair
  151. Tanked
  152. What's that noise?
  153. End of electrics
  154. The wires finally arrive
  155. We have a steering wheel!
  156. Exhausting day
  157. Brakes...maybe
  158. In the Doldrums
  159. IRS is back where it belongs.
  160. Rear vision
  161. Exhausted
  162. Glove Box
  163. An epiphany; BSH
  164. All coming together
  165. Ready to start re wiring
  166. Musings on "RTFM"
  167. I'm back!
  168. Bye bye IRS
  169. A Visitation
  170. Clutch
  171. Waiting waiting
  172. Reassembly going well
  173. I knew I had children for a reason
  174. Heater finished
  175. Front suspension finished for now
  176. Support from your friends
  177. The brakes are done
  178. What does WWW stand for?
  179. Lots of fiddly little jobs
  180. Front suspension
  181. Buried treasure
  182. Carbies
  183. Another busy day.
  184. Electroplating
  185. Every cloud...
  186. Birthday conundrum
  187. Busy Sunday
  188. Exciting news!
  189. Up up and away
  190. New tyres and the kitchen sink
  191. Heating up
  192. Waterpump on
  193. Shiny!
  194. No more steering wheel.
  195. We have lift off
  196. Hoist
  197. It's Christmas!
  198. New wheels
  199. Masterly inactivity
  200. Wax on wax off
  201. First bit of reassembly
  202. Gloss black enamel hides a multitude of sins
  203. JA: Jagaholics Anonymous
  204. Cooling system v1.0001
  205. Cooling System v1.0000
  206. Brakes are broken..
  207. Them's the brakes...not
  208. Retiring?
  209. Bleedin' brakes!
  210. Paint everywhere, Sir?
  211. Brass for brass
  212. RTFM.
  213. Start with something simple
  214. The Jag Arrives...
  215. Happy birthday to me

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