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Wednesday, 10 September 2014

And then there were 3

I seem to have bought another one...

1967 series 1 FHC, original RHD Australian delivered car. Pictures to follow.


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Sunday, 10 August 2014


Final jobs were fitting the internal radiator protector screen, refitting the bonnet, aligning the headlights and putting on the glass covers.


Now I have to get it registered.


3.8 headlight1


3.8 headlight2

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Sunday, 03 August 2014

Red is the colour.

For when an E Type just isn't enough. 1938 Stinson Reliant.



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Saturday, 02 August 2014

How to take your bonnet off by yourself.


Before you start, disconnect the 8 pin wiring plug to the bonnet.





Put 2 pillows under the front of the bonnet.




Open the bonnet fully.




Thread a loop of strong cord through the rear bonnet vent.




Tie this loop to a rope that is securely attached to the roof. Use a knot that you can undo with one hand.




Remove the bonnet balance link bolt, then remove the hinge bolt. Support the bonnet with your shoulder under the wheel arch. Guide it gently forward and down onto the pillow. 




Do the same on the other side. You may find a piece of cardboard useful to stop the bonnet damaging the paint on the front frame.




Roll the car back far enough that you have room to lie the bonnet down. The front rests on the pillows.




Position a 6' x 3' piece of carpet between the car and the bonnet, untie your knot while supporting the bonnet and then rest it down onto the carpet.  




Then lifting the bonnet from the front, stand it upright on the carpet.




The bonnet can now be easily moved by pulling it along on the carpet; support it with a hand to stop it falling over.




You can now access the front of the car easily. Time elapsed; 10 minutes.







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Monday, 26 May 2014


Slowly getting the bonnet together.


3.8 bonnet ute2


3.8 bonnet ute1


3.8 bonnet wires


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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Off to the trim shop

And finally...


3.8 trim

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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Trim time

I've run out of things to do. I have got the doors back together and aligned, put the hood frames in and put the fininshing touches to the engine bay.
I've got the carbies tuned and the engine runs very nicely.
Now I'm waiting waiting waiting to get the car to the trim shop. Hopefuly soon....













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Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter Sunday drive

It's not all rebuilding you know..sometimes we drive them.


4.2 3 jags1


4.2 3 jags


Plug chop after the run; front, middle and rear carbies.


4.2 Plug chop 20 04 2014


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Sunday, 16 March 2014


Which is the bracket that holds the handbrake light switch in place.

Which I can't find. Anywhere.

So being impatient, I thought I'd make one. How hard can that be?

2 hours and a prototype later...It works. It's neither original nor pretty but no one will ever know...

I do like my MIG welder..


3.8 handbrake switch1


3.8 handbrake switch2

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Monday, 10 March 2014

A Pillar rubbers

I hate glue and in my view rubber is the domain of perverts.

Now to put the doors on.



3.8 A pillar

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