
In my neverending quest to purge the hydraulics of evil, I finally took the clutch slave off today.

It doesn't sound much but it's in a bugger of a spot to get to and I had half convinced myself that it would be OK.

Removal was easier than expected, predominantly because the last person who'd been there had obviously been unable to reinstall it on both studs and had solved that problem by removing the really hard to get at stud so that there was only one holding the cylinder in place.  Good thing I checked.

The cylinder looked pretty clean on the outside but when disassembled is (a) scored inside by rust and (b) missing some internal parts!  New one required.

Another $50 to Mr Barratt.

Ho hum.  Given that every piece of hydraulics I have looked at so far has been completely stuffed I think I'm not going to have any choice but to take off the IRS and overhaul the rear calipers. Bugger.


clutch slave